Inventor Factory

In 2022 we are offering in a joint cooperation with Stadtbibliothek Baden a new format in the rooms of the library. One Saturday a month, participants learn in the workshops, what it takes to invent the craziest things in the digitial world. 

Welcome to the Inventor Factory

There is a small, huge room in the library in Baden. If you look inside, it looks small, although it is actually huge. Because this room is a factory: the inventor factory. You can go in there to invent the craziest things. You don’t know how to invent something? No problem! Go on a voyage of discovery with Cubetto, transform yourself into a superhero with the help of circuits, or build an alarm system for your room. Learn to control robots on Mars with “Dash” and create your own games with “Scratch”.

February 26, 2022
Stadtbibliothek Baden
Mellingerstrasse 19
5401 Baden

10:00 – 12:00

March 19, 2022
Stadtbibliothek Baden
Mellingerstrasse 19
5401 Baden

10:00 – 12:00

April 2, 2022
Stadtbibliothek Baden
Mellingerstrasse 19
5401 Baden

10:00 – 12:00

May 7, 2022
Stadtbibliothek Baden
Mellingerstrasse 19
5401 Baden

10:00 – 12:00

June 11, 2022
Stadtbibliothek Baden
Mellingerstrasse 19
5401 Baden

10:00 – 12:00

June 25, 2022
Stadtbibliothek Baden
Mellingerstrasse 19
5401 Baden

10:00 – 12:00

Registration form

We are looking forward to seeing you in the inventor factory. Just fill out the form. You will hear back within a few days from us, with the bill alongside

Cost: 100.- for six workshops.

1 + 14 =

Youth Intelligence Agency

YIA lehrt Kinder auf spielerische Weise, wie Technik, Computer und Robotik funktionieren und dass mehr in einem Computer steckt als Games und Videos. In unseren Kursen erhalten die Kinder ein grundlegendes Verständnis für Technologie und erkennen, was alles möglich ist mit Technologie und ein bisschen Fantasie.


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